Saturday, September 02, 2006

Ninjas Helping Others

I've been thinking a lot about Karma lately. Was I being punished yesterday for killing the mouse? Why did the universe make me lose my cell phone (only to give it back to me later)? I volunteered recently to head up a big charity fundraiser that will take up a lot of my time over the next few months. It's already shaping up to be a LOT more involved than I thought it would be. At the time, my friend Superfly said that "no good deed goes unpunished". Was the lost cell phone thing some kind of punishment for me being nice? Was Karma punishing me for killing a mouse, or for helping others? Is this why Martha Stewart is a Billionaire and I'm wage slave? So what does the universe really want of me? And am I too lazy to really care enough to do what it wants? Will I follow its guidance and become rich and nice, like Warren Buffet or some rich asshole, like Martha Stewart? Or will I just sit around and catch up on Netflix this weekend? I'm not sure, but the 3rd season of Arrested Development (released on DVD Aug 29!) is looking mighty tempting right now...jus' sayiin'.

At any rate, it turns out that I'm not the only ninja that believes in helping others. Here's proof. Curtesy of Circumlocutor.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

It's only a matter of time before I can get you and Circumlocutor together....only a matter of time....