FACT: Virginia Senator, and Presidential hopeful, George Allen called a dark-skinned man a “Macaca”, which is a type of monkey.
So, at a rally with hundreds of white people, he singles out the only person with dark skin and calls him a monkey and tells him “welcome to America”.
This tells me a few things about George Allen:
1) He thinks non-whites are subhuman;
2) He doesn’t consider foreigners to be “Real Americans”. (FYI, the guy he singled out was born in the US).
3) He’s as ignorant and bigoted as his constiuents.
Now, before I posted this I called the Allen campaign headquarters to get a statement from them. Here’s what they said.

"George Allen ain’t no racist. I once saw him drink from the same water fountain as a colored who was even darker than that Macaca guy. And I once saw him shake hands with a gook…errrr, I mean a chinaman...I said chinaman."
[EDIT: I just learned that "Macaca" is commonly used as a derogatroy term in europe to refer to north africans. I don't believe Allen's denials that he didn't know what the word meant given that his mother is a frenchwoman who was raised in Tunisia.]
If he's not a racist, then Virginia isn't a state.
This is kinda like telling me that Clinton liked sex.
Who would have thought?
Wow, huh?
Bullshit and lies... par for the course!
So he used a racial slur typically used against Africans to describe an Indian guy?! Good going, Einstein. I mean, if you're going to be racist, at least get the correct terminology.
ummmmmm was he in a rally to get the "Indian American vote"? cause he facked it up....oh and why did Condelesa Rice's comment sound so ignorant? hmmmm no comment just questions...
MA: Well, technically, VA is a Commonwealth, but George Allen is still a racist.
Angst: Hillary does NOT like sex. That's why Bill cheated.
siryn: yeah...sadly this is what kinda people we have in office.
coffeelady: I'm sure he thought that they all look alike to him.
twoste: i agree.
kiki: Yeah, they actually found an Indian to say something nice about him. It's better than a campaign contribution. This is like when the racists claim "some of my best friends are black."
Politicians in Canada could not survive with such comments.
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