Friday, February 08, 2008

Ron Paul Girl and Obama Girl

I don't feel like being witty today because I am sick. Not sick as in "mentally off balance" which goes without saying, but sick sick. I don't usually get sick, so the fact that I have a slight temparature probably means that it's some type of super virus like the ebola or something. Not to worry, my superhuman immune system has contained the virus and will destroy it shortly, thus saving the world again. You owe me a beer, internets.

In the meantime, enjoy this youtubey goodness. GO RON PAUL!!!


Jessica said...

Who knew visiting a blog could be so dangerous?

Anonymous said...

i like the first one because it's got hot girls in their underwear. I HATE Hillary!!!

Anonymous said...

im sick too...could you please loan me some of the anti virus as soon as your ninja immune system conquers this shit??
thank you...