Saturday, April 08, 2006

Weekend Plans

I was planning on catching the Cherry Blossoms again this weekend before they are gone. It looks like rain, so I'll have to rethink that. Luckily, I went last week and here is an obligatory blossom pic for my blog.

In case you are wondering, this isn't a professional pic. This is a pic that I took last weekend of the Cherry Blossoms. This raises the question: Is there anything that I am not awesome at? (besides english grammar syntax?).

In other news, my real estate broker, Jimmy The Greek, is coming by to assess the ninja fortress and tell me what needs to done, how much I could sell it for when it's finished, and how much if I sold it now as is and rid myself of this troublesome hobby. I can't stand most real estae brokers. I find them pushy, phony, arrogant and not very bright. But there are a few that don't suck, like my brother and Jimmy the Greek.

This weekend I'll also post some pics about the MacGuyver Kitchen and hopefully start on the floor there. Stay tuned...


Stef said...

Yeah, I had thought about going out this afternoon to see the cherry blossoms. So much for that plan! Looks like I may end up missing them this year, again...

HomeImprovementNinja said...

Stef, you didn't miss much. They were nice, but the tourists were everywhere.

Why don't they stay in their hotel bar and watch ESPN?